With a capacity of more than 50 people, as Country Email List well as restaurants, cafes. and long-distance trains. By taking to the streets to protest against this measure, the left made fundamental mistakes, both ethically and politically, and thus has Country Email List contributed to a political turmoil that harbors supporters of conspiracy theorists and the extreme right. The decision to add a prerequisite to access certain places or public services is somewhat Country Email List arbitrary, as well as being inefficient in the long run, given the current situation. Its introduction could have been more justified if those.
Who received the vaccine had been Country Email List permanently immunized against covid-19 and could not transmit it, which is not the case. Nor do some of its practical implications seem reasonable. For example, why is a passport needed in Country Email List outdoor spaces, such as cafe patios, if social distancing protocols are followed? The legislation also contains questionable measures: a negative result is valid for 72 hours (instead of the 24 hours Country Email List accepted in Germany, for example). A person could be incubating the virus, There are also reasons to deplore both the authoritarianism and the amateurism of the French government.
The health passport was made mandatory Country Email List without any consultation or explanation about the potential benefits, in a controversial initiative by President Emmanuel Macron, who has been making unilateral decisions on health policy in Country Email List France in the last 18 months, some of them discarded to the light of medical recommendations. The failed debate in the National Assembly that led to the adoption of the health passport law should not fool anyone. A useless gadget The health passport was designed to compensate for the severe Country Email List inefficiencies of the French Welfare State that have manifested since the beginning of the pandemic (and indeed, even before).